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  • BSc –  Biological Resource Sciences – University of California, Berkeley 1978-1982

  • MSc – Entomological Sciences – University of California, Berkeley 1983-1985

  • Chateaubriand Fellow – INRA – Montfavet, France 1985-1986

  • PhD – Pure and Applied Biology – University of London 1986-1989

  • Research Fellow – Centre for Population Biology – Imperial College 1989-1991

  • Researcher and Research Director – CNRS – ENS, Université de Paris VI 1991-2000

  • Research Director – CNRS – Université de Montpellier 2000-



  • The future of academic publishing

  • Cancer evolution: from cells to species and back

  • Phage-bacteria community coevolution: from basic science to applications in phage therapy

  • A biologist’s perspective of process and pattern in innovation





See Google Scholar for recent publications

  • Burmeister A.R., Hansen E., Cunningham J.J., Rego E.H., Turner P.E., Weitz J.S. & Hochberg M.E. 2021. Fighting microbial pathogens by integrating host ecosystem interactions and evolution. BioEssays DOI:10.1002/bies.202000272

  • Noble R.J., Walther V., Roumestand C., Hibner U. Hochberg M.E. & Lassus P. 2020. Paracrine behaviors arbitrate parasite-like interactions between tumor subclones. bioRxiv

  • Li G., Shivam S., Hochberg M.E., Wardi Y. & Weitz J.S. 2020. Disease-Dependent Interaction Policies to Support Health and Economic Outcomes During the COVID-19 Epidemic. Lancet Preprints

  • Noble R., Burley J.T., Le Sueur C. & Hochberg M.E. 2020. When, why and how tumour clonal diversity predicts survival. Evolutionary Applications

  • Gurney J., Pradier L., Griffin J.S., Gougat-Barbera C., Chan B.K., Turner P.E. & Hochberg M.E. 2020. Phage steering of antibiotic-resistance evolution in the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2020. Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health

  • Hochberg ME. 2020. Countries should aim to lower the reproduction number R close to 1.0 for the short-term mitigation of COVID-19 outbreaks. medRxiv

  • Hochberg ME. 2020. Importance of suppression and mitigation measures in managing COVID-19 outbreaks. medRxiv

  • Hochberg ME. 2020. Curing disease. In Unsolved Problems in Ecology. Dobson AP, Tilman D, Holt RD (Eds). Princeton University Press.

  • Estrela S, Libby E, Van Cleve J, Débarre F, Deforet M, Harcombe WR, Peña J, Brown SP & Hochberg ME. 2019. Environmentally mediated social dilemmas. Trends in Ecology & Evolution DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2018.10.004

  • Gurney J., Pradier L., Griffin J.S., Gougat-Barbera C., Chan B.K., Turner P.E. & Hochberg M.E. 2019. Phage steering of antibiotic-resistance evolution in the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. bioRxiv, 868661

  • Noble R., Burley J.T., Le Sueur C. & Hochberg M.E. 2019. When, why and how clonal diversity predicts future tumour growth. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2019.12.17.879270

  • Tartally A., et al. 2019. Patterns of host use by brood parasitic Maculinea butterflies across Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1769), 20180202

  • Gurney J., Brown S.P., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2019. Steering Phages to Combat Bacterial Pathogens. Trends in Microbiology DOI 10.1016/j.tim.2019.10.007

  • Torres-Barceló C., Gurney J., Gougat-Barberá C., Vasse M. & Hochberg M.E. 2018. Transient negative effects of antibiotics on phages do not jeopardise the advantages of combination therapies. FEMS Micro. Ecol. DOI 10.1093/femsec/fiy107

  • Hochberg ME. 2018. An ecosystem framework for understanding and treating disease. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health DOI 10.1093/emph/eoy032

  • Hochberg ME. 2018. Will humanity eventually exhaust the unknown? Edge

  • Bacevic K, Noble R, Soffar A, Ammar OW, Boszonyik B, Prieto S, Vincent C, Hochberg ME, Krasinska L & Fisher D. 2017. Spatial competition constrains resistance to targeted cancer therapy. Nature Communications DOI 10.1038/s41467-017-01516-1

  • Hochberg M.E., Marquet P.A., Boyd R. & Wagner A. 2017. Innovation: an emerging focus from cells to societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 372:20160414.

  • Gurney J, Aldakak L, Betts A, Gougat-Barbera C, Poisot T, Kaltz O & Hochberg ME. 2017. Network structure and local adaptation in coevolving bacteria phage interactions. Molecular Ecology 26:1764–1777

  • Hochberg ME & Noble RJ. 2017. A framework for how environment contributes to cancer risk. Ecology Letters 20:117-134

  • Vasse M., Noble R.J., Akhmetzhanov A.R., Torres-Barceló C., Gurney J., Benateau S., Gougat-Barbera C, Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2017. Antibiotic stress selects against cooperation in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1612522114

  • Castillo JP, Rebolledo R, Arim M, Hochberg ME & Marquet PA. 2017. The network structure of cancer ecosystems. BioRxiv DOI 10.1101/240796

  • Shanafelt D.W., Clobert J., Fenichel E.P., Hochberg M.E., Kinzig A., Loreau M., Marquet P.A. & Perrings C. 2017. Species dispersal and biodiversity in human-dominated metacommunities. Journal of Theoretical Biology 457:199-210

  • Hochberg M. 2017. Satisficing. Edge

  • Torres-Barceló C. & Hochberg M.E. 2016. Evolutionary rationale for phages as complements of antibiotics. Trends in Microbiology 24: 249-256.

  • Torres-Barceló C., Franzon B., Vasse M. & Hochberg M.E. 2016 Long-term effects of single and combined introductions of antibiotics and bacteriophages on populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Evolutionary Applications 9: 583–595.

  • Vasse M., Noble R., Akhmetzhanov A.R., Torres-Barceló C., Gurney J., Benateau S., Gougat-Barbara C., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2016. Antibiotic stress selects against cooperation in a pathogenic bacterium. BioRxiv 053066; DOI 10.1101/053066

  • Noble R.J., Kaltz O., Nunney L. & Hochberg M.E. 2016. Overestimating the role of environment in cancers. Cancer Prevention Research DOI 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-16-0126

  • Hochberg ME, Noble RJ & Braude S. 2016. A hypothesis to explain cancers in confined colonies of naked mole rats. BioRxiv DOI 10.1101/079012

  • Hochberg M.E. 2016. Harnessing our natural defenses against cancer. Edge

  • Noble R., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. Statistical interpretations and new findings on Variation in Cancer Risk Among Tissues. arXiv q-bio arXiv:1502.01061

  • Courchamp F., Dunne J., Le Maho Y., May R.M., Thébaud C. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. Fundamental Ecology is Fundamental. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30:9-15  DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2014.11.005

  • Courchamp F., Dunne J., Le Maho Y., May R.M., Thébaud C. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. Back to the Fundamentals: a Reply to Barot et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30:370-371

  • Hochberg M.E. and Jansen G. 2015. Bacteria: Assessing resistance to new antibiotics. Nature 519: 158

  • Poisot T., Kéfi S., Morand S., Stanko M., Marquet P.A. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. A Continuum of Specialists and Generalists in Empirical Communities. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0114674

  • Nunney L, Maley CC, Breen M, Hochberg ME & Schiffman JD. 2015. Peto’s paradox and the promise of comparative oncology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370: 20140177

  • Aktipis CA, Boddy AM, Jansen G, Hibner U, Hochberg ME, Maley C & Wilkinson GS. 2015. Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20140219

  • Kokko H & Hochberg ME. 2015. Towards cancer-aware life-history modelling. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20140234

  • Noble R, Kaltz O & Hochberg ME. 2015. Peto’s paradox and human cancers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20150104

  • Akhmetzhanov AR & Hochberg ME. 2015. Dynamics of preventive versus post-diagnostic cancer control using low-impact measures. eLife DOI 10.7554/eLife.06266

  • Salali G.D., Whitehouse H. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. A Life-Cycle Model of Human Social Groups Produces a U-Shaped Distribution in Group Size. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138496. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0138496

  • Vasse M., Torres-Barceló C. & Hochberg M.E. 2015. Phage selection for bacterial cheats leads to population decline. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282, 20152207; DOI 10.1098/rspb.2015.2207

  • Betts A., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2014. Contrasted coevolutionary dynamics between a bacterial pathogen and its bacteriophages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111: 11109-11114

  • Poisot T., Bever J.D., Thrall P.H. & M.E. Hochberg. 2014. Dispersal and spatial heterogeneity allow coexistence between enemies and protective mutualists. Ecology & Evolution 4:3841-3850

  • Torres-Barceló C., Arias-Sánchez F.I., Vasse M., Ramsayer J., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2014. A window of opportunity to control the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa combining antibiotics and phages. PLOS ONE 9:e106628

  • Hochberg M.E. & Brown J.H. 2014. Tragedy of The Tragedy of the Commons. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution doi:10.4033/iee.2014.7.19.e

  • Hochberg M.E. 2014. Good science depends on good peer review. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 7: 77–82 

  • Hochberg M.E. 2014: Reply: The Impact Factor Syndrome. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 7: 82-83

  • Thomas, F., et al. 2013. Applying ecological and evolutionary theory to cancer: a long and winding road. Evolutionary Applications 6:1-10

  • Gonzalez A., Ronce O., Ferriere R. and Hochberg M.E. 2013. Evolutionary rescue: an emerging focus at the intersection between ecology and evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 368: 20120404

  • Gandon S., Hochberg M.E., Holt R.D. and Day T. 2013. What limits the evolutionary emergence of pathogens?  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 368: 20120086

  • Weitz J.S., Poisot T., Meyer J.R., Flores C.O., Valverde S., Sullivan M.B. & Hochberg M.E. 2013.  Phage-bacteria infection networks. Trends in Microbiology 21:82-91.

  • Hochberg M.E., Thomas F., Assenat E. & Hibner U.  2013.  Preventive Evolutionary Medicine of Cancers. Evolutionary Applications 6 : 134-43

  • Ramsayer J., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2013. Evolutionary rescue in populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens across an antibiotic gradient. Evolutionary Applications 6 :608-16.

  • Poisot T.,  Lounnas, M, & Hochberg M.E. 2013. The structure of natural microbial enemy-victim networks. Ecological Processes 2 :13

  • Betts A., Vasse M., Kaltz O. & Hochberg M.E. 2013. Back to the future: Evolving bacteriophages to increase their effectiveness against the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Evolutionary Applications 6 :1054-1063

  • Hochberg M.E. & Whitehouse H. 2013. To Understand Present Day Cultures We Must Study the Past: a Commentary on David Sloan Wilson. Cliodynamics 4:126-128.

  • Luque G., Hochberg M.E., Holyoak M., Hossaert M., Gaill F. & Courchamp F. 2013.  Ecological effects of environmental change. Ecology Letters 16: 1–3.

  • Ramsayer J., Fellous S., Cohen J.E. and Hochberg M.E. 2012. Taylor’s Law holds in experimental bacterial populations but competition does not influence the slope. Biology Letters 8:316-9

  • Poisot T., Canard E., Mouquet N. and Hochberg M.E. 2012. A comparative study of ecological specialization estimators. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 537-544

  • Escobar-Páramo P., Gougat-Barbera C. & Hochberg M.E. 2012. Evolutionary dynamics of separate and combined exposure of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 to antibiotics and bacteriophage. Evolutionary Applications 5: 583-92

  • Kaltz O., Escobar-Paramo P., Hochberg M.E. and Cohen J.E. 2012. Bacterial microcosms obey Taylor’s law: effects of abiotic and biotic stress and genetics on mean and variance of population density. Ecological Processes 1 :5

  • Blumstein D.T., Atran S., Field S., Hochberg M.E., Johnson D., Sagarin R.,  Sosis R. & Thayer B. 2012. The Peacock’s Tale: Lessons from Evolution for Effective Signaling in International Politics. Cliodynamics 3 :191 :214

  • Lorz A., Lorenzi T., Hochberg M.E., Clairambault J. and Perthame B. 2012. Populational adaptive evolution, chemotherapeutic resistance and multiple anti-cancer therapies. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis DOI: 10.1051/m2an/2012031

  • Marquet P., Santoro C.M., Latorre C., Standen V.G., Abades S.R., Rivadeneira M.E., and Hochberg M.E. 2012. Emergence of social complexity among coastal hunter-gatherers in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109: 14754–14760

  • Roche B., Hochberg M.E., Caulin A.F., Maley C.C., Gatenby R.A., Missé D. & Thomas F. 2012. Natural resistance to cancers: a Darwinian hypothesis to explain Peto’s paradox. BMC Cancer 12:387

  • Whitehouse H., Kahn K., Hochberg M.E. and Bryson J.J. 2012. The role for simulations in theory construction for the social sciences: case studies concerning Divergent Modes of Religiosity. Religion, Brain and Behavior 2:182-224

  • Poisot T., Bell T., Martinez E., Gougat-Barbera C. & Hochberg M.E. 2012. Terminal investment induced by a bacteriophage in a rhizosphere bacterium. F1000 Research 1:21 doi: 10.3410/f1000research.1-21.v2

  • Hochberg M.E. 2012. There Is No (Single) Holy Grail. Edge

  • Poisot T., Lepennetier G., Martinez E., Ramsayer J. & Hochberg M.E. 2011. Resource availability affects the structure of a natural bacteria–bacteriophage community. Biology Letters 7 :201-204.

  • Vacher C., Kossler T.M., Hochberg M.E. & Weis A.E. 2011. Impact of interspecific hybridization between crops and weedy relatives on the evolution of flowering Time in weedy phenotypes. PLoS One 6: e14649.

  • Gravel D., Guichard F. & M.E. Hochberg. 2011. Species coexistence in a variable world. Ecology Letters 14: 828–83994.

  • Poisot T., Thrall P.H., Bever J., Nemri A. & Hochberg M.E. 2011. A conceptual framework for the evolution of ecological specialisation. Ecology Letters 14: 841-851

  • Poisot T., Thrall P.H. and Hochberg M.E. 2011. Trophic network structure emerges through antagonistic coevolution in temporally varying environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279:299–308

  • Turchin P. & Hochberg M.E. 2011. Introducing the Social Evolution Forum. Cliodynamics 2(2)

  • Sagarin R.D., Alcorta C.S, Atran S., Blumstein D.T., Dietl G.P., Hochberg M.E., Johnson D.D.P., Levin S., Madin E.M.P., Madin J.S., Prescott E.M., Sosis R., Taylor T., Tooby J. & Vermeij G.J. 2010. Decentralize, adapt and cooperate. Nature 465, 292-293

  • Hochberg M.E. 2010. Book Review for The American Journal of Human Biology: The Mermaid’s Tale: Four Billion Years of Cooperation in the Making of Living Things.

  • Hochberg M.E. 2010. Youth and the tragedy of the reviewer commons. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 3:8-10

  • Escobar-Páramo P., Faivre N., Buckling A., Gougat-Barbera C. & Hochberg M.E. 2009. Persistence of costly novel genes in the absence of positive selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 536-543.

  • Hochberg M.E., Chase J.M., Gotelli N.J., Hastings A. & Naeem S. 2009. The tragedy of the reviewer commons. Ecology Letters 12: 2-4

  • Vogwill T., Fenton A., Buckling A., Hochberg M.E. & Brockhurst M.A. 2009. Source populations act as coevolutionary pacemakers in experimental selection mosaics containing hotspots and coldspots. American Naturalist 173: e171-e176.

  • Poullain V., Gandon S., Brockhurst M.A., Buckling A. & Hochberg M.E. 2008. The evolution of specificity in evolving and coevolving antagonistic interactions between a bacteria and its phage. Evolution 62: 1-11.

  • Venail P., MacLean R.C., Bouvier T., Brockhurst M.A., Hochberg M.E. & Mouquet N. 2008. Diversity and productivity peak at intermediate dispersal rate in evolving metacommunities. Nature 452:210-214.

  • Urban M.C., Leibold M.A., Pantel J.H., Loeuille N., Vellend M., Amarasekare P., Klausmeier C.A., Norberg J., de Mazancourt C., Gomulkiewicz R., Hochberg M.E., Strauss S.Y., De Meester L. & Wade M.J. 2008. The evolutionary ecology of metacommunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23:311-317

  • Hochberg M.E., Rankin D.J. & Taborsky M. 2008. The coevolution of cooperation and dispersal in social groups and its implications for the emergence of multicellularity. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:238

  • Thrall P.H., Hochberg M.E., Burdon J.J. & Bever J.D. 2007. Coevolution of symbiotic mutualists and parasites in a community context. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 120-6

  • Hovestadt T., Mitesser O., Elmes G.W., Thomas J.A. & Hochberg M.E. 2007. An evolutionarily stable strategy model for the evolution of dimorphic development in the butterfly Maculinea rebeli, a social parasite of Myrmica ant colonies. American Naturalist 169: 466-480

  • Nettle D., Choisy M., Cornell H.V., Grace J.B., Guégan J-F. & Hochberg M.E. 2007. Cultural diversity, economic development and societal instability. PLoS ONE 2: E929

  • Brockhurst M.A., Buckling A., Poullain V. & Hochberg M.E. 2007. The impact of migration from parasite-free patches on antagonistic host-parasite coevolution. Evolution 61: 1238-1243

  • Tscharntke T., Hochberg M.E., Rand T.A., Resh V.H. & Krauss J. 2007. Author sequence and credit for contributions in multi-authored publications. PLoS Biology 5: e18

  • Buckling A., Wei Y., Massey R.C., Brockhurst M.A. & Hochberg M.E. 2006. Antagonistic coevolution with parasites increases the cost of host deleterious mutations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 273: 45-9.

  • Sinervo B., Chaine A., Clobert J., Calsbeek R., Hazard L., Lancaster L., McAdam A.G., Alonzo S., Corrigan G., Hochberg M.E. 2006. Self-recognition, color signals, and cycles of greenbeard mutualism and altruism. PNAS 103: 7372-7377

  • Vacher C., Bourguet D., Desquilbet M., Lemarié S., Ambec S. & Hochberg M.E. 2006. Fees or refuges: which is better for the sustainable management of insect resistance to transgenic Bt corn? Biology Letters 2: 198 – 202

  • Brockhurst M.A., Hochberg M.E., Bell T. & Buckling A. 2006. Character displacement promotes cooperation in bacterial biofilms. Current Biology 16:2030-2034

  • André J-P. & Hochberg M.E. 2005. Virulence evolution in emerging infectious diseases. Evolution 59: 1406-1412

  • Mouquet N., Belrose V., Thomas J.A., Elmes G.W., Clarke R.T. & Hochberg M.E. 2005. Conserving community modules: a case study of the endangered lycaenid butterfly Maculinea alcon. Ecology 86: 3160-3173

  • Clarke R.T., Mouquet N., Thomas J.A., Hochberg M.E., Elmes G.W., Tesar D., Singer A. & Hale J. 2005. Modelling the local population dynamics of Maculinea and their spatial interactions with their larval foodplant and Myrmica ant species. In: Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 2: Species Ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea Butterflies as a Model, J. Settele, E. Kühn & J.A. Thomas (Eds). Pensoft, Sofia.

  • Mouquet N., Thomas J.A., Elmes G.W., Clarke R.T. & Hochberg M.E. 2005. Population dynamics and conservation of a highly specialized predator: A case study of Maculinea arion. Ecological Monographs 75: 525-542

  • Vacher C., Brown S.P.& Hochberg M.E. 2005. Avoid, attack or do both? Behavioral and physiological adaptations in natural enemies faced with novel hosts. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 60

  • Hochberg M.E. & Gotelli N.J. 2005. An Invasions Special Issue: Introduction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20:211

  • Vacher C., Bourguet D., Rousset F., Chevillon C. and M.E. Hochberg. 2004. High dose refuge strategies and genetically modified crops – Reply to Tabashnik et al. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 913-918.

  • Vacher C., Weis A.E., Hermann D., Kossler T., Young C. & Hochberg M.E. 2004. Impact of ecological factors on the initial invasion of Bt transgenes into wild populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109: 806-14.

  • Hochberg M.E. 2004. A theory of modern cultural shifts and meltdowns. Proc R Soc Lond B 271: S313 – S316.

  • Guernier V., Hochberg M.E. & Guégan J-F. 2004. Ecology drives the worldwide distribution of human diseases. PLoS Biology 2: 740-746

  • Poitrineau K., Brown S.P. & Hochberg M.E. 2004. The joint evolution of defence and inducibility against natural enemies. Journal of Theoretical Biology 231: 389-396.

  • Hochberg M.E., Sinervo B. & Brown S. 2003. Socially mediation speciation. Evolution 57:154-8

  • Hochberg M.E., Berthault G., Poitrineau K. & Janssen A. 2003. Olfactory orientation of the Truffle Beetle, Leiodes cinnamomea. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 109: 147-153.

  • Poitrineau K., Brown S.P. & Hochberg M.E. 2003. Defence against multiple enemies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 1319-1327.

  • Vacher C., Bourguet D., Rousset F., Chevillon C. and M.E. Hochberg. 2003. Modelling the spatial configuration of refuges for a sustainable control of pests: a case study of Bt cotton. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 378-387

  • Brown S., Hochberg M.E. & Grenfell B. 2002. Does multiple infection select for raised virulence? Trends in Microbiology 10: 401-405

  • Lynch LD, Ives AR, Waage JK, Hochberg ME, Thomas MB. 2002. The risks of biocontrol: Transient impacts and minimum nontarget densities. Ecological Applications 12: 1872-1882

  • Holt R.D. & Hochberg M.E. 2002. Infectious disease in sources and sinks. Virulence Management. Dieckmann U., Metz H. & Sabelis M. (Eds). Cambidge University.

  • Hochberg M.E. & Holt R.D. 2002. A biogeographical perspective on natural enemies. Virulence Management. Dieckmann, U., Metz H. & Sabelis M. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press

  • Hochberg M.E. & Møller A.P. 2001. Insularity and adaptation in coupled victim-enemy interactions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14: 539-551

  • Restif O., Hochberg M.E. & Koella J.C. 2001. Virulence and age at reproduction: new insights into host-parasite coevolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14:967-979.

  • Bertault G., Rousset F., Berthomieu G., Hochberg M.E., Callot G. & Raymond M. 2001. Population genetics and dynamics of the black truffle in a man-made truffle field. Heredity 86 :451-458

  • Guégan J-F., Thomas F., Hochberg M.E., deMeeus T. & Renaud F. 2001. Disease diversity and human fertility. Evolution 55: 1308-1314

  • Dedeine F., Vavre F., Fleury F., Hochberg M.E. & Boulétreau M. 2001. Wolbachia symbionts necessary for reproduction in the parasitoid wasp Asobara tabida (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). PNAS 98: 6247-6252

  • Shaw M.R. & Hochberg M.E. 2001. The neglect of parasitic Hymenoptera in insect conservation strategies: The British fauna as a prime example. Journal of Insect Conservation 5: 253-263

  • Holt R.D. & Hochberg M.E. 2001. Indirect interactions, community modules, and biological control: a theoretical perspective. In: Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control. Wajnberg E., Scott J.K. & Quimby P.C. (Eds.). CABI Publishers

  • van Baalen M. & Hochberg M.E. 2001. Dispersal in antagonistic interactions. Pages 299-310 in Dispersal. J. Clobert. E. Danchin. A.A. Dhont. & J. Nichols (Eds.). Oxford University Press.

  • Hochberg M.E. & Weis A.R. 2001. Bagging the lag. Nature (N&V) 409: 992-993

  • Hochberg M.E., Gomulkiewicz R., Holt R.D. & Thompson J.N. 2000. Weak sinks could cradle mutualisms—strong sources should harbor pathogens. J. Evolutionary Biology 13:213-222

  • Gomulkiewicz R., Thompson J.N., Holt R.D., Nuismer S.L. & Hochberg M.E. 2000. Hot spots, cold spots and the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution. American Naturalist 156: 156-174

  • Weis A.E. & Hochberg M.E. 2000. The diverse effects of intra-specific competition on the selective advantage to resistance: a model and its predictions. American Naturalist 156:276-292

  • Weis A.E., Simms E.M. & Hochberg M.E. 2000. Will plant vigor and tolerance be genetically correlated? Effects of intrinsic growth rate and self-limitation on regrowth. Evolutionary Ecology 14: 331-352.

  • Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R. 2000. Introduction. Parasitoid Population Biology. Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R (Eds.). Pages 3-14. Princeton University Press

  • Hochberg M.E. 2000. What, conserve parasitoids? Parasitoid Population Biology. Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R. (Eds.). Pages 266-277. Princeton University Press

  • Ives A.R. & Hochberg M.E. 2000. Conclusions: Debating parasitoid population biology over the next twenty years. Parasitoid Population Biology. Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R (Eds.). Pages 278-303. Princeton University Press

  • Hochberg M.E. & van Baalen M. 2000. A geographical perspective of virulence. In: Evolutionary Biology of Host-Parasite Relationships: Theory Meets Reality. Poulin R., Morand S. & Skorping A. (Eds.). Elsevier Ltd.

  • Hochberg M.E. 2000. Displaced characters get some space. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 355-356

  • Hochberg M.E. 2000. Evidence that specialists are special. TREE 15: 491

  • Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R. 1999. Can natural enemies enforce geographical range limits? Ecography 22:268-276

  • Robert M., Sorci G., Møller A.P., Hochberg M.E., Pomiankowski A. & Pagel M. 1999. Retaliatory cuckoos and the evolution of host resistance to brood parasites. Animal Behavior 58:817-824

  • Thomas J.A., Clarke R.T., Elmes G.W. & Hochberg M.E. 1999. Population dynamics in the genus Maculinea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). In: Insect Populations. Pages 261-290. Dempster J.P. & McLean I.F.G. (Eds.). Kluwer Academic

  • Hochberg M.E. & Holt R.D. 1999. The uniformity and density of pest exploitation as guides to success in biological control programs. In: Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. Pages 71-88. Hawkins B.A. & Cornell H.V. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press

  • Holt R.D., Hochberg M.E. & Barfield M. 1999. Unstable population dynamics enhances the evolutionary stability of biological control. In: Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. Pages 219-230. Hawkins B.A. & Cornell H.V. (Eds.). Cambridge University

  • Holt R.D. & Hochberg M.E. 1998. Coexistence of competing parasites. II. Hyperparasitism. Journal of Theoretical Biology 193:485-495

  • Plantard O. & Hochberg M.E. 1998. Factors affecting parasitism in the oak galler Neuroterus quercusbaccarum. Oikos 81:289-298

  • Hochberg M.E. & van Baalen M. 1998. Antagonistic coevolution along environmental gradients. American Naturalist 152:620-634

  • Hochberg M.E. 1998. Establishing genetic correlations involving parasite virulence. Evolution 52:1865-1868

  • Clarke R.T., Thomas J.A., Elmes G.W., Wardlaw J.C., Munguira M.L. & Hochberg M.E. 1998. Population modelling of the spatial interactions between Maculinea, their intitial foodplant and Myrmica ants. Journal of Insect Conservation 2:29-38

  • Thomas J.A., Simcox D.J., Wardlaw J., Elmes G.W., Hochberg M.E. & Clarke R.T. 1998. Effects of latitude, altitude and climate on the habitat and conservation of the endangered butterfly, Maculinea arion and its Myrmica ant hosts. Journal of Insect Conservation 2:39-46

  • Hochberg M.E., Elmes G.W., Thomas J.A. & Clarke R.T. 1998. Effects of habitat reduction on the persistence of Ichneumon eumerus, the specialist parasitoid of Maculinea rebeli. Journal of Insect Conservation 2:59-66

  • Elmes G.W., Thomas J.A., Wardlaw J., Hochberg M.E., Clarke R.T. & Simcox D. 1998. The ecology of Myrmica ants in relation to the conservation of Maculinea butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 2:67-78

  • Cornell H.V., Hawkins B.A. & Hochberg M.E. 1998. Towards an empirically-based theory of herbivore demography. Ecological Entomology 23:340-349

  • Hochberg M.E. 1998. The population dynamic role of monophagous parasitoids: some ecological and evolutionary inroads to a synthesis. Population and Community Ecology for Insect Management and Conservation. Pages 169-174. Baumgartener J., Brandmayr P. & Manly B.F.J. (Eds.). Balkema.

  • Hochberg M.E. 1998. Introducing Ecology Letters. Ecology Letters 1:1.

  • Clarke R.T., Elmes G.W., Thomas J.A. & Hochberg M.E. 1997. The spatial arrangement of habitat determines species persistence and community re-assembly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 264:347-354

  • Kerdelhué C., Hochberg M.E. & Rasplus J.Y. 1997. Active pollination of Ficus sur by two sympatric fig wasp species in West Africa. Biotropica 29:69-75

  • Holt R.D. & Hochberg M.E. 1997. When is biological control evolutionarily stable (or is it)? Ecology 78:1673-1683

  • Hawkins B.A., Cornell H.V. & Hochberg M.E. 1997. Predators, parasitoids and pathogens as mortality agents in phytophagous insect populations. Ecology 78:2145-2152

  • Lemel J.Y., Belichon S., Clobert J. & Hochberg M.E. 1997. The evolution of dispersal in a two-patch system: consequences of differences between immigrants and emigrants. Evolutionary Ecology 11:613-629

  • Thomas J.A., Elmes G.W., Clarke R.T., Munguiara M.L. & Hochberg M.E. 1997. Field evidence and model predictions of butterfly-mediated apparent competition between gentian plants and red ants. Acta Oecologica 18:671-84

  • Hochberg M.E. 1997. Hide of fight? The competitive evolution of concealment and encapsulation in host-parasitoid associations. Oikos 80:342-352

  • Hochberg M.E. 1996. Consequences of increasing natural enemy species richness in classical biological control. American Naturalist 147:307-18

  • Plantard, O., Rasplus J.Y. & Hochberg M.E. 1996. Resource partitioning in the parasitoid assemblage of Neuroterus quercusbaccarum. Acta Oecologia 17:1-15

  • Elmes G.W., Clarke R.T., Thomas J.A. & Hochberg M.E. 1996. Empirical tests of specific predictions made from a spatial model of the population dynamics of Maculinea rebeli, a parasitic butterfly of red ant colonies. Acta Oecolgica 17:61-80

  • Hochberg M.E., Elmes G.W., Thomas J.A. & Clarke R.T. 1996. Mechanisms of local persistence in coupled host-parasitoid associations: The case model of Maculinea rebeli and Ichneumon eumerus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 351:1713-1724

  • Hochberg M.E. 1996. An integrative paradigm of monophagous parasitoid dynamics. Oikos 77:556-560

  • Hochberg M.E. 1996. When three is a crowd. Nature (News and Views) 381:276-277

  • Combes C., Hudson P. & Hochberg M.E. 1996. Host-parasite co-evolution: Introduction. Biodiversity Conservation 5:951

  • Clobert J., Gliddon C., Hawkins B.A. & Hochberg M.E. 1996. Overview. Ecology: from populations to communities to ecosystems. Aspects of the Genesis and Maintenance of Biological Diversity. Hochberg M.E., Clobert J. & Barbault R. (eds). OUP

  • deMeeus T., Hochberg M.E. & Renaud F. 1995. Maintenance of two genetic entities by habitat selection. Evolutionary Ecology 9:131-138

  • Hochberg M.E. & Holt R.D. 1995. Refuge evolution and the population dynamics of coupled host-parasitoid associations. Evolutionary Ecology 9:633-661

  • Hochberg M.E., Clarke R.T., Elmes G.W. & Thomas J.A. 1994. Population dynamic consequences of direct and indirect interactions involving a large blue butterfly and its plant and red ant hosts. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:375-391

  • Hochberg M.E., Menaut J.C. & Gignoux J. 1994. The role of fire in tree population dynamics in the west African savanna. Journal of Ecology 82:217-226

  • Hochberg M.E. & Hawkins B.A. 1994. The implications of population dynamics theory to parasitoid diversity and biological control. In: Parasitoid Communities. Pages 451-471. Hawkins B.A. & Sheehan W. (Eds.). Oxford University Press

  • Michalakis Y. & Hochberg M.E. 1994. Parasitic effects on host life-history traits: a review of recent studies. Parasite 1:291-4

  • Hochberg M.E. & Hawkins B.A. 1993. Predicting parasitoid species richness. American Naturalist 142:671-693

  • Hawkins B.A., Thomas M. & Hochberg M.E. 1993. Refuge theory and classical biological control. Science 262:1429-1432

  • Hawkins B.A., Hochberg M.E. & Thomas M. 1993. Biological control and refuge theory. Science (Technical Comment) 265:812-813

  • Hochberg M.E. & Crompton D. 1993. Franco-Brittanic meeting on host-parasite coevolution. Parasitology Today 9:399-401

  • Hochberg M.E. & Hawkins B.A. 1992. Refuges as a predictor of parasitoid diversity. Science 255:973-976

  • Hochberg M.E., Thomas J.A. & Elmes G.W. 1992. A modelling study of the large blue butterfly, Maculinea rebeli. Journal of Animal Ecology 61:397-410

  • Hochberg M.E., Michalakis Y. & deMeeus T. 1992. Parasitism as a constraint on the rate of life history evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 5:491-504

  • Barbault R. & Hochberg M.E. 1992. Population and community level approaches to studying biodiversity in international research programs. Acta. Oecol. 13: 137–146.

  • Hochberg M.E. 1992. Book review for Quarterly Review of Biology: Parasite-Host Associations: Coexistence or Conflict?

  • Hochberg M.E. & Waage J.K. 1991. A model for the biological control of Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by means of pathogens. Journal of Applied Ecology 28:514-531

  • Hochberg M.E. 1991. Population dynamic consequences of the interplay between parasitism and intraspecific competition for parasite systems. Oikos 61:297-306

  • Hochberg M.E. 1991. Non-linear transmission rates and the dynamics of infectious disease. Journal of Theoretical Biology 153:301-321

  • Hochberg M.E. 1991. Intra-host interactions between a braconid endoparasitoid, Apanteles glomeratus, and a baculovirus for larvae of Pieris brassicae. Journal of Animal Ecology 60:51-63

  • Hochberg M.E. 1991. Extra-host interactions between a braconid endoparasitoid, Apanteles glomeratus, and a baculovirus for larvae of Pieris brassicae. Journal of Animal Ecology 60:65-77

  • Hochberg M.E. 1991. Viruses as costs to gregarious feeding behaviour in the Lepidoptera. Oikos 61:291-296

  • Carton Y., Haouas S., Marrakchi M. & Hochberg, M. 1991. Two competing parasitoid species coexist in sympatry. Oikos 60: 222-230

  • Hochberg M.E. & Waage J.K. 1991. Biopesticides: control engineering. Nature (News and Views) 352:16-17

  • Hochberg M.E. & Lawton J.H. 1990. Competition between kingdoms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5:367-371

  • Hochberg M.E. & Lawton J.H. 1990. Spatial heterogeneities in parasitism and population dynamics. Oikos 59:9-14

  • Hochberg M.E. & Holt R.D. 1990. Coexistence of competing parasites. I. The role of cross-species infection. American Naturalist 136:517-541

  • Hochberg M.E. 1989. The potential role of pathogens in biological control. Nature 337:262-265

  • Hochberg M.E., Hassell M.P. & May R.M. 1989. The dynamics of host-parasitoid-pathogen interactions. American Naturalist 135:74-94

  • Getz W.M., Lichtenberg, E.R. & Hochberg M.E. 1987. A decision model for scheduling ricefield mosquito control. J. Environ. Manage. 23:361-371.

  • Hochberg M.E. 1987. The within-plant distribution and feeding behaviour of Heliothis armigera Hübner (Lep., Noctuidae) on greenhouse tomatoes. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 104: 256-261.

  • Hochberg M.E., Pickering J. & Getz W.M. 1986. Evaluation of phenology models using field data – case-study for the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and the blue alfalfa aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi (Homoptera, Aphididae). Environmental Entomology 15:227-321.

  • Hochberg M.E. & Volney W.J.A. 1984. A sex pheromone in the California oakworm Phryganidia californica Packard (Dioptidae). J. Lepidopterists’ Soc. 38:176-178.



  • Hochberg M.E., Marquet P.A., Boyd R. & Wagner A. 2017. Process and pattern in innovations from cells to societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B

  • Schiffman J., Maley C.C., Nunney L., Hochberg M. & Breen M. 2015. Cancer across life: Peto’s paradox and the promise of comparative oncology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B

  • Holyoak M. & Hochberg M.E. 2013. Ecological effects of environmental change. Ecology Letters

  • Thomas F., Hibner U., Maley CC., Aktipis C.A. & Hochberg M.E. 2013. Evolution and Cancer. Evolutionary Applications

  • Gonzalez A., Ronce O., Ferrière R. & Hochberg M.E. 2013. Evolutionary Rescue. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Socieity of London

  • Hochberg M.E. & Gotelli N.J. 2005. An invasions special issue. Trends in Ecology and Evolution

  • Hochberg M.E. & Ives A.R. 2000. Parasitoid Population Biology. Princeton University Press

  • Combes C., Hudson P. & Hochberg M.E. 1996. Host-parasite co-evolution. Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Hochberg M.E., Clobert J. & Barbault R. 1996. Aspects of the Genesis and Maintenance of Biological Diversity. Oxford University Press


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